In 1991 Byrne jumped into the "creator-owned" arena with Next Men, a multi-layered sci-fi superhero epic from Dark Horse comics. The draw, besides Byrne's usually excellent art and writing, was a "Mature Readers" tag that freed the book up from the Comics Code Authority constraints. So, if Byrne wanted to show two characters having sex or a bullet going through a brain, he did. If he wanted to throw a "shit" or "bitch" into the dialogue, he did.
The Next Men were Danny, Jack, Nathan, Jasmine, and Bethany, the subjects of a genetic engineering project. Nurtured since childbirth in a virtual dreamworld, the 5 are abruptly brought into the real world when the project is aborted. Of course they wake up with powers beyond those of mortal men (one astute reader pointed out in the letter column that they have the powers of Superman divided: Jack has his strength, Bethany his invulnerability, Danny his speed, and Nathan his vision; Jasmine's agility throws the theory off a bit). What would usually follow is that the five would put on costumes, form a team and fight evil, but Byrne takes the story in a completely different direction.

But mostly this is a sci-fi story. The Next Men tend to wear real clothes, and in only one arc (Parallel) do they go on anything resembling a "mission." Mostly they're just running away or being captured, barely using their powers at all (Danny, Jasmine, and Nathan especially).
On re-reading it as one big chunk, some interesting things came to light. You see, John Byrne's Next Men came out of a 1991 graphic novel also published by Dark Horse, called 2112. That's the tale of a future world where a team of highly-trained soldiers take on an evil despot called Sathanus. At the end of the story Sathanus seemingly blows himself up. What we find out early on in JBNM is that Sathanus has in fact sent himself back to 1955 and befriended ambitious politician Aldus Hilltop. The pair in turn are the backers of the Next Men project.
Without giving too much away, issue #30 provides a sort of Mobius strip ending to the story started in 2112. Thus one could argue that these 32 comics are really Sathanus' story. It's just like how we found out after the fact that the Star Wars saga was really about Darth Vader.
One of the most enjoyable parts of re-reading the individual issues was reading the letter column. Byrne chose and responded to the letters himself, which gave a rare glimpse into his personality. You see, in the pre-Internet days what we knew about a comic book artist or writer was limited to very few sources, many of them second-hand. So to hear so much from the horse's mouth was rare. At the time I didn't I know that Byrne was somewhat of a controversial figure in the comics world.
In his choices of and responses to letters, he lived up to that reputation, sounding off about abortion, gay rights, his reputation, and many other topics. He's an intelligent and blunt fellow, and unafraid to state his opinion. He's got a persecution complex. He can be self-deprecating, but humility is not one of his strong points. For example, his elegy for Jack Kirby begins with a two paragraph anecdote wherein his art dealer tolk him "you're the King now." Byrne's ultimate point in the article is that Jack Kirby was one-of-a-kind and that there'll never be another King of Comics, but Byrne couldn't resist a little self-promotion along the way.
However, the most intriguing aspect of the letters page is how it documents the trends of the industry at the time. Byrne rails against gimmick covers (multiple cover images for the same book, trading card inclusion, holographic covers, etc), swiping, speculation, and Image Comics. While there was a lot to complain about there (books didn't come out on schedule, many of the characters were ridiculous, the stories were sub-par), Byrne's main complaint was a justifiable one. Namely, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. That pretty much came true.
Though Byrne repeatedly said that he had plans for the book up to issue #50, JBNM ended at #30. It was abrupt ending to the series, mainly because it happened without warning. Many times letter columns will reveal a few issues ahead of time that a series is coming to a close, but not this one. Maybe that's because it wasn't originally intended to be an ending point. In his letter column farewell, Byrne was unspecific, saying only that he had spent 3 years with the characters and needed a break. He guessed that the break would probably only be months long, yet here it is 14 years later, and we've not seen another new Next Men comic (though IDW has released The Compleat Next Men, two "phone book" volumes reprinting all the original comics in black and white).

Sounds strange, but I enjoyed this series enough that I hope Byrne never goes back to it.
interesting commentary about next men - i've been on the fence about picking this series up (specifically the compleat reprints), but just reading that it's not a steaming pile makes me want to pick it up, as the price is so low.
ReplyDeleteNice review!
ReplyDeleteThere has been some speculation as to why Byrne never returned to the characters, one being that the NextMen were co-owned by his ex-wife and that he'd have to share the profits of new comics with the characters.
He has gone on record to say that if the Compleat editions sold well enough (whatever that means) that he'd do the remaining story. Certainly IDW has been open about their willingness to publish new Next Men. Yet, nothing has happened so far.
Personally, I suspect there will be no more Next Men beyond what's already available, whatever the reasons may be.
Byrne is a hypocrite of the highest order - he rails and rails against "late" comics but as noted above issue 31 was solicited over A DECADE AGO and he has yet to deliver.
ReplyDeleteByrne decided to go back and churn out Wonder Woman and Demon stories at DC for a fast easy buck and abandoned his own creations once he saw the money was not there. It is ALWAYS about the money with Byrne.
He even whines about people selling his original Xmen art these days for large sums (he was stupid enough to let it go for a song back in the day). Can you beleive this guy?
Great reviews by the way - and do not worry - Byrne will never return to Next Men - the sales of his IDW reprints have been terrible (under 1000 copies each).
How the might have fallen!
And Byrne's proclaiming himself the "new King" was a disgusting move on his part. He has made so much money off Kirby's creations for him to spit on Kirby so soon after he passed away was a wretched move on Byrne's part. Par for the course with him unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteWhat is funny is the monkeys on the Byrne board (and the head chimp himself)have linked to your review - should be good for a laugh. Watching them all lick Byrne's feet is funny and sad at the same time LOL.
ChadC, eat your words much?
ReplyDelete#1 - Next Men #1 came out this week. I suppose you're still waiting on issue 31? More on that below.
#2 - IDW reprint sales have been so "terrible" that they have done the b&w AND then went ahead and did the deluxe hardcover format for the ENTIRE series. Sales must've been so bad they decided to reprint the entire damn thing twice, and charge lots more the second time around.
#3 - Issue 31 was solicitied and then he ANNOUNCED he was no longer doing the series. I suppose since the new issue #1 technically isn't #31, you're still waiting for #31 then, even though he said it wasn't coming out all those years ago?
Even though I've stopped writing this blog, I suppose I should add an update about the new series.
ReplyDeleteDespite my above-stated feelings that Byrne shouldn't have returned to the concept, I bought the new issue #1 - haven't read it yet - and am willing to let Byrne try to draw me back into his story.
I just started a blog featuring the letter column from John Byrne's Next. Each week another issues letter column is featured.