In summer 2009, Marvel teased an upcoming Captain America storyline. They released secretive ads and hinted at something major, something that even the mainstream media might care about. It ended up being rather anticlimactic. The story was Reborn , featuring the resurrection of Steve Rogers (the original Cap), something everyone had expected to happen sooner than later. This detail might be lost to time, but before the real story was revealed, there was a rumor that Captain America's mantle would be picked back up by Isaiah Bradley , a black soldier enhanced by the same Super Soldier Serum as Rogers (detailed in the 2003 miniseries Truth: Red, White, and Black ). I, for one, hoped this would be the case. What better time than during the administration of the first black president for America's most patriotic hero be black as well? It didn't happen, of course. Blond-haired blue-eyed Rogers came back. And Isiaiah Bradley remains on the sidelines, as does the idea of a main...
Graphic thoughts from a comic book geek